We're all doomed!

Today's news headline from Sky: Drinking and sm oking damages heart by age 17 Semi-literate, I know, but you get the idea. I used to work with a man who managed to put people neatly into categories. One category was: "This man never saw a bandwagon he didn't want to join." That was reserved for the boss, an eejit without an idea in his head but with a nose for sniffing out the fashion of the moment and making sure his minions chased after it. The other one I loved was: "Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse." This was normally directed at people who were unable or unwilling to take the slightest risk in work or in life. It was this saying that came to mind when I saw the headline above. And for all the wrong reasons. If I'd read on, I'd have seen that it says if you give up smoking and drinking early on your body recovers pretty fast. Well, I knew that anyway. But I have a feeling quite a lot of 17 year-olds don't ...