What does the opposition do?
Yes, I mean the political opposition. Not the opposition in Westminster. That's their business. I mean, the opposition in Holyrood, the Tories, although I notice the Scottish TV news on BBC and STV always lumps them together with Labour and gives them an interview each before bothering to talk to anyone from the Scottish Government. Occasionally, the LibDems get an interview but there will be a whole flight of Elon Musk satellites flying over Scotland before the Greens get a word in. So what do the opposition do? As far as I can make out, if the current Scottish Government collapses, the Tories will take over, be in a position to discard all the previous government's policies and start to put their own policies in place. The only problem is, as far as I can see, the Tories have no policies. Not one. No views at all on education, health, employment, agriculture, fishing, sport, the police, local government or anything else. They do have very strong views on independence an...