Who owns politics?
I was going to call this 'Who owns government?' but it's blindingly bleedin' obvious in the UK right now who owns government. Dominic Cummings and his glove puppet Boris Johnson are in charge of politics and they are going to do exactly what they want. You can line up all the bishops and archbishops (though not enough of them have come forward in my opinion), all the opposition politicians in 'the House', all the NHS and care staff currently slogging away and sometimes dying on our behalf, all the grateful public who rely on the NHS, all the 'devolved' nations and their governments, all the folk who clap and bang their pots every Thursday night, the pathetic 60 Tory MPs who are the only ones that have found a conscience, the working class people who voted Tory in 2019 and have now changed their minds, all the scientists working on a Covid-19 vaccine - and it will make not one bit of difference. Johnson wants things back to 'normal'. He wan...