Trump and Johnson and politics

I started writing this last night (Sunday) and gave up. One reason was that Missy the cat came and joined me on the keyboard and it's quite difficult to keep your ideas together with a cat walking across your writing. She's a good looking cat, isn't she? She is back again. Well, she's a cat and cats go where they want, so she's now on my keyboard. But I've maybe got my ideas more in line than they were last night. A cat in the UK got Covid-19. Social media was at once full of panic: we're all going to die because of cats carrying the virus. Of course, that's not what this is about: the poor cat is the only one of 401 cats in the sample that had Covid-19 and this poor cat got it from his or her owners. As tv shows say, no cats were harmed in the making of this show, so the cat and her humans are alive and well. Another day, another scare story. The afternoon's scary story was that Dr Fauci, the US's top medic/scientist, has been accused...