BBC Scotland News Website

I’ve complained often about the BBC’s news website in Scotland.  My last complaint was about its weekend coverage (there isn’t any – just headlines of crimes handed out as press releases by Police Scotland and reported verbatim) but this time I’m looking at its relentlessly negative news coverage the rest of the week.  

So yesterday Tuesday 8 May, these were the big stories in Scotland according to the BBC:

Drug users in Scotland 'consume most cocaine' in one session – a wee go at us all. Addicts to a man we are. If it’s no the drink, it’s the drugs.

MSPs debate call for Tayside mental health inquiry - a wee go at Shona Robison. She’s a buddy of Nicola Sturgeon. Would that have anything to do with the constant attacks on her? I mean, it would be churlish to have a go at the First Minister but the First Minister’s pal – fair game, right?


Scotland's tolerance reputation 'a myth'- another wee go at us all. We don’t deny there’s racism, homophobia and anti-semitism in Scotland. But we deny it’s getting worse since Brexit and, in fact, this research suggests we’re right to say that.

The other stories were mostly about crime and road accidents. I am sorry for the victims of both. 

So is it normal to find stories like this right across the BBC’s news website – in the UK, Europe, and North America? Are so many of the stories on those pages political? Have a look and get back to me.


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