The road to hell

My MacDonald granny used to tell me people who swore went straight to the Bad Fire. I'm guessing  that she was happy to condemn most of her family to hell, since every one of them swore like troopers.

Myself, I've spent most the last week swearing. Copiously and loudly - and then with a glance to see if the windows are open...They usually are.

First, there's that mad b*st*ard Trump splitting up families on the US border with Mexico. And all the people in the USA who back him. Utterly inhumane. Storing up so many problems for the future and basing their ideas on the crazy notion that there are 'real' Americans who are entitled to be there (the white ones) and a lot of other people who are immigrants and therefore should not be there (the Latino ones). As if the USA was no longer a country founded on immigration. You know the motto: 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free'....Any day now, the US will be removing those words from the Statue of Liberty.

Then there's the mad b*st*rds all across Europe, like the far-right Polish politician who urged a German MEP on the TV news tonight to 'take them all' - 'them' being the millions of refugees from the Middle East and North Africa, chased out of their homelands by wars that you and I - I repeat: you and I - financed over the past 20 years. Just as long as Poland can keep refusing to accept these poor buggers. As does Hungary and the Balkan states - all places whose citizens other European countries have offered refuge to over the last 70 years or so.

And, of course, there's the Westminster parliament, where people behave like it's still 1718 rather than 2018. Where English MPs absent themselves from debates about Scotland and then turn up to vote on a matter that doesn't affect their constituencies - and get away with it. Where the Speaker appears to know nothing about the rule book that governs 'the House.' Where male MPs on the Tory front benches make 'woof-woof' noises as female SNP MPs walk past and that's okay. And where one Tory MP can - and does - stop a bill on the sexual harassment of women because he doesn't approve of private members bills - despite the fact that this *rs*h*l* has brought forward quite a few private members' bills of his own.

But please, don't ask me about the World Cup. I don't care. Will I support the England team? Nope. Nor anybody else's team, come to that. But I'd love to know who put Sarah Smith up to putting that question to every Scottish politician she came across in the past few weeks. Do I give a proverbial f*ck? Not me.

Bad Fire here I come.


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