Hello again!
I left the internet about three weeks ago. I spent very little time on Facebook and didn't blog at all. I'll bet nobody even noticed - and no, this is not a request for validation. In fact, it did me a lot of good in terms of stress. I'd really had it with Brexit, the Tory Party, Boris Johnson, Scottish Labour, etc.
I was even pissed off with the Scottish Greens. Still am, in fact. Their FB page is hoachin wi crazies. They know perfectly well what the political agenda of the party is and yet they bang on about badgers, veganism, animal cruelty, useless teachers, schools that don't support autistic weans - you name it, there's a Green member raging about it online.
But it was a well-meaning supporter of independence (same as I am) who finished me off. He had the idea of setting up a FB page dedicated to demolishing the lies told about independence. So far, so good. I joined and posted a few comments, which people liked. (Well it was a small audience). Then the founder changed his mind about what the page should look like. He deleted most of other people's posts and asked the authors to re-post on a different page. Well, I couldny remember what my posts were. And the one thing I canny do on FB is find anything that's been posted in the past. So my pearls of wisdom were lost. And they were good, I promise you. Not that you'll ever know. So I left.
So why am I back? It's the Tories. I know Theresa May's a liar. I know she set up the Windrush scandal and then left her successor as Home Secretary to carry the can. I know she had and still has an agenda in immigration that I can only describe as 'whites only'. Some people tell me she's a sociopath. Some call her 'the Sleazer.' But can there really be that many people in England so desperate to get out of the EU that they'll take Theresa May's word for it that the future is rosy with her? Not that Boris Johnson is any better: there he was fumbling and mumbling in front of a full house the other day at the Tory conference. Not an idea in his wee head, and yet they gave him a standing ovation before he even spoke.
Some of my friends in the independence parties post memes with 'Are you Yes yet?' on them.
I think in Tory terms this is the wrong message to the wrong audience. The Tories are not going to go back on the EU vote. We need to be targeting the loonies that assure us on Facebook that 'Britain is a great nation.' Wherever the hell the nation of Britain is. England was last a great nation about 1880 and has been in decline ever since, its decline matching the loss of the Empah it exploited and effectively lost in the early years of the 20th century. We need to go after the 'if only we could' people. You know the ones - if only we could get back to how Britain (sorry, I mean England) was in the 1980s. If only we could have the blessed Margaret back. If only we could revive the industries we killed off and sold off back then. If only...
It's all based on nostalgia, a longing for a world that never existed for most of us (I suspect in the 1920s, I'd have been the skivvy down on my knees cleaning out the grate at 5am) and is long since vanished for those who ever did live - like John Major's old maids cycling around English villages - a life of ease. It ain't coming back, folks. The elderly eejits raving about Johnson at the Tory Conference are the last of their kind. The future is not theirs.
It's just a pity they lived long enough to vote to leave the EU, but won't be around to reap the whirlwind caused by their vote.
I was even pissed off with the Scottish Greens. Still am, in fact. Their FB page is hoachin wi crazies. They know perfectly well what the political agenda of the party is and yet they bang on about badgers, veganism, animal cruelty, useless teachers, schools that don't support autistic weans - you name it, there's a Green member raging about it online.
But it was a well-meaning supporter of independence (same as I am) who finished me off. He had the idea of setting up a FB page dedicated to demolishing the lies told about independence. So far, so good. I joined and posted a few comments, which people liked. (Well it was a small audience). Then the founder changed his mind about what the page should look like. He deleted most of other people's posts and asked the authors to re-post on a different page. Well, I couldny remember what my posts were. And the one thing I canny do on FB is find anything that's been posted in the past. So my pearls of wisdom were lost. And they were good, I promise you. Not that you'll ever know. So I left.
So why am I back? It's the Tories. I know Theresa May's a liar. I know she set up the Windrush scandal and then left her successor as Home Secretary to carry the can. I know she had and still has an agenda in immigration that I can only describe as 'whites only'. Some people tell me she's a sociopath. Some call her 'the Sleazer.' But can there really be that many people in England so desperate to get out of the EU that they'll take Theresa May's word for it that the future is rosy with her? Not that Boris Johnson is any better: there he was fumbling and mumbling in front of a full house the other day at the Tory conference. Not an idea in his wee head, and yet they gave him a standing ovation before he even spoke.
Some of my friends in the independence parties post memes with 'Are you Yes yet?' on them.
I think in Tory terms this is the wrong message to the wrong audience. The Tories are not going to go back on the EU vote. We need to be targeting the loonies that assure us on Facebook that 'Britain is a great nation.' Wherever the hell the nation of Britain is. England was last a great nation about 1880 and has been in decline ever since, its decline matching the loss of the Empah it exploited and effectively lost in the early years of the 20th century. We need to go after the 'if only we could' people. You know the ones - if only we could get back to how Britain (sorry, I mean England) was in the 1980s. If only we could have the blessed Margaret back. If only we could revive the industries we killed off and sold off back then. If only...
It's all based on nostalgia, a longing for a world that never existed for most of us (I suspect in the 1920s, I'd have been the skivvy down on my knees cleaning out the grate at 5am) and is long since vanished for those who ever did live - like John Major's old maids cycling around English villages - a life of ease. It ain't coming back, folks. The elderly eejits raving about Johnson at the Tory Conference are the last of their kind. The future is not theirs.
It's just a pity they lived long enough to vote to leave the EU, but won't be around to reap the whirlwind caused by their vote.
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