The bottom of the barrel

I decided we'd reached the bottom of the barrel in political terms when Judge Brett Kavanaugh used what was essentially his job interview with the US Senate to raise his voice, lie and cross-question a senator about her drinking habits when he had just been asked about his own. He got away with it. There are a few senators who may not be sleeping well right now. I hope so.

But this wasn't the bottom of the barrel. There was more to come.

First, Boris Johnson made a bid for the leadership of the UK Conservatives by raising his voice, lying and questioning the veracity of the UK Prime Minister at the Tory conference. No, I don't support Theresa May but I think there's a level of respect due to the holder of the top job in UK politics. However, Boris's bid for power seems to have fallen on stony ground.

And still, we hadn't reached the bottom of the barrel. Theresa May then made a complete idiot of herself at the Tory conference. As if dancing onstage wasn't bad enough, she cracked a couple of lame jokes and then demanded that the First Minister of Scotland give up the plan to seek independence. What was it Treeza didn't get, do you suppose? Independence is in the SNP manifesto - the one they have been elected on since 2011. It's also in the Green manifesto. Not that Treeza would know that. And still she hasn't stopped digging.

Now she wants Labour party members to abandon the party, because they've 'lost faith in Jeremy Corbyn,' and come and join the Tories. It wasn't enough for the Tory press to orchestrate a campaign against Labour - and specifically - Corbyn - claiming anti-semitism. Having lied their way through the Brexit campaign (and they are still lying), the Tories are intent on proving there is nothing they won't say or do to keep power.

Meanwhile, all the Tory ballyhoo about the need for austerity goes on. Austerity was a political choice, not a rational answer to a serious financial problem. Treeza claims we're nearly at the end of the austerity era. Do you feel the wind of change sweeping through your community? Have wages started to go up? Are people managing better on benefits? Is the UK carrying less debt? Is the deficit lower? (1.7 trillion quid and counting, last I heard). Do your neighbours and workmates from the EU feel more reassured?

If a single Labour voter is persuaded to join the Tory party, that'll be when we've reached the bottom of the barrel. We're not there yet.


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