The BBC again!

I watched Pointless and left the telly on while I was reading my emails. On came the BBC's 'national and international news.'

We had an item about 100 refugees trying to cross the English Channel on small boats. 100. Not all at once. Over the past few weeks. Compared to the vast numbers of people trying to gain entry to Greece, Italy and Malta, not to mention Turkey and Lebanon, this is not a huge figure. But why is this matter suddenly of interest now? Did this happen in the past? Or is it new? We'll never know. There's no analysis. This is the BBC, so we just get pictures that the gullible can tut over.

Then a 'correspondent' announced that the USA was the UK's largest market. This is nonsense, of course. Anyone who knows anything about the EU knows that's where the UK's market lies. The UK sells twice as much to the EU as it does to the USA. Is the suggestion that the UK could sell more to the USA to make up for losing markets in the EU? Again we'll never know because there was no attempt to analyse the matter. It was just flung out there as a series of unconnected 'facts'. 

And finally, on to BBC Scotland News where the Scottish Government described the future effects on the Scottish economy: a loss of 2billion pounds in exports, accompanied by a drop in wages and living standards. Do the other parties think this will not happen? What do they think will happen? What do the Tories, Labour and the Lib Dems think? How about the Greens? There's no debate, no analysis and no discussion. There's just the usual attack on the Scottish Government by the Tories for 'promoting' independence.

This was followed by an item about the NHS in Scotland failing its patients. Well, it wouldn't be a BBC Scotland news bulletin without some kind of bad news about public services in Scotland. The minister in charge of health wasn't interviewed. There was just a one-sentence comment that the Scottish government was reducing the figures of people being seen for cancer tests.

If this is the kind of reporting people in Scotland and the UK want or deserve from the BBC, the Union is in deep trouble.


  1. The Tories treat Scotland as a region to take its resources to support the south of England denying everything they promised at the referendum in 2014. I am afraid Scotland can no longer be dictated to by Westminster and dragged out of our natural market the EEC against our will. May has fragmented the union


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