Don't pay!
The only time Theresa May is animated is when she's talking about immigration. She's usually talking bollocks, of course, but immigration is clearly her project. She has already screwed up the Windrush generation: people who were invited from the 'Empire' to the UK to help out the motherland in its time of need have now died without ever having their status sorted out. Their children, who also came here legitimately, have been deported to places they don't know and some of them have also died with no resolution to the 'problem' created by May. Now we have the 'problem' of the EU nationals and their position in brexit. The UK government wants these people to pay £65 to register as foreign nationals. It's just that these people are not 'foreign'. Some came here to work in the NHS or in education. They drive taxis, run shops, manage banks, work in libraries. Some have married Scots. A lot have children born and educated here. Neither t...