A wee rant - and not brexit-related!

I swear to you I saw a meme on Facebook tonight that said something along the lines of: "Doctors should be paid to get people off medication, not for putting them on medication." But, of course, this is Facebook we're dealing with so when it dawned on me (a minute later) what the meme said, I couldn't find it again. This is personal to me - and many others. If you or your partner or your child suffers from a chronic illness - say asthma, diabetes, a heart complaint, Parkinson's or depression - medication is a must. And it needs to be taken regularly for it to have any effect. There are plenty of us in this situation. I had a stroke when I was 35. It took a while to get a diagnosis. At the time, I was given one basic medication: Propranolol. It regulates the heartbeat, reduces anxiety and cuts the chances of having migraines (it was during a migraine that I had the stroke and man, I was anxious about it afterwards). Since then, I've been prescribed med...