Jobs in Scotland - any takers?
It seems to me in the past few weeks, I've been passing on more and more jobs in Scotland via my Facebook page. I pass on jobs because - well, you just never know: there might be someone out there looking - or with a relative or friend looking - for work in Scotland.
In the past couple of weeks, I've passed on adverts for jobs in finance, education, the theatre and medicine. These are obviously academic jobs. But I've also posted jobs as drivers, baristas, hotel workers and fire officers - equally specialised but in a different way. There are also apprenticeships going.
Now I'm getting a bit worried. January is usually a 'dry' month for jobs. Are employers getting smarter at advertising and choosing quiet periods to advertise? Or are we now entering the period we've all been dreading, when EU citizens have given up and started to go home thanks to brexit?
I meet EU nationals all the time in my day to day life. They work in the shops, deliver my groceries, drive my taxis, answer the phone when I call the council or the local library and the hospital. For a time I was very Scottish and never noticed they had foreign accents. Now I just use my old lady disguise and ask where they are from, how long they've been here and, most important, do they plan to stay?
None of the folk I've spoken to have UK nationality. A lot don't really want it. They certainly don't want to have to hand over a lot of money in order to be refused the right to remain - which is what seems to be happening. Some have already paid large amounts of money to train as HGV drivers and to buy cars so they can work as delivery and taxi drivers. Some have partners and children here. Their kids are Scottish. They don't mind the occasional holiday back in the old country but they want to live here.
I'm sure most brexiters never anticipated this level of family break-up in the 2016 vote but that's what it comes down to. But I'm also sure most brexiters had no idea how complex leaving the EU would be - or how much it would be opposed by the people they now refer to as 'remoaners.' Especially in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
'Remoaners' are people like me: we have been remarkably quiet so far (I would say bullied into silence by the brexiters) but that's not going to continue. Brexit - with a bit of luck - may just have announced the end of the UK. And then England and Wales can do what they want. Or maybe just England, since Wales also seems to have got a real shot in the independence arm from brexit.
Meanwhile, if you know anyone looking for the jobs I've listed above, please check my Facebook page - and apply! We need you!
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