Brexit brings a laugh
There haven't been many laughs in brexit.
I find it hard to laugh with or at Treeza May, the most humourless politician I've ever seen in action. She's one of those people who never get the joke, always say 'I don't get it" and have to have the joke explained, thus killing it stone dead. These people always think they have a great sense of humour too.
But today was wonderful. Donald Tusk started it off by taking the side of Eire on brexit. Eire is, after all, an EU country, so he should take their side. He told the brexit people there was a "special place in hell" for "those who promoted brexit without even a sketch of a plan of how to carry it out safely".
The BBC started it all off by misquoting Tusk. Nothing serious, you know. Just the usual: missing out most of what he said, making it look like Tusk is some kind of monkey with a typewriter rather than the very experienced politician he is. They all fell for it, of course. Leadsom, Farage, Rees-Mogg - all went to town about Turk's 'rudeness', 'bad manners', etc. Rees-Mogg even quoted the Bible, but then he would.
But then none of them have ever said anything rude about their colleagues in the EU, have they?
By the way, I've recorded Sky news review to watch later because that wee Tory creep Andrew Pearce of the Mail is on. He's the one who usually refers to Juncker as 'that drunk.' He'll be scarlet in the face before he even starts tonight. My advice to Andrew is: Just watch your blood pressure, boy - it won't take much to push you into a heart attack.
I have an image of a cupboard in Westminster, where superannuated, pretty thick but 'useful' Tory MPs are stored. Never given anything important to do, of course, because they're too thick to be trusted. But once in a while, when a rent-a-mouth is needed, one of them gets dusted down and wheeled into the House. One such appeared today and the Speaker very gently chided him saying he was not aware Peter Bone was 'a delicate flower' when he complained about Tusk's comment.
Joanna Cherry was not so gentle. There must be a briefing paper for Tory MPs that says: Do not tangle with this woman. She's a QC and she'll hand you your arse on a plate. If there's no such paper, there ought to be. Joanna had the facts at her fingertips and quoted Tusk verbatim. So that's Peter Bone back in the broom cupboard for the foreseeable.
I'm not a member of the SNP or even a big fan. As a government, they're too cautious for my liking - although I see perfectly well why they would think they have to be. But they manage to attract some first-rate people. It still rankles with me that my constituency lost the excellent Kirsten Malone and got a faceless Tory boy in her place.
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