Open Wide!

A gynaecologist is described in that caring way that the media have when dealing with 'women's issues' as: 

Milton Keynes abortion surgeon Kieron Moriarty suspended

Kieron is a graduate of Oxford and worked at a Milton Keynes hospital till he was suspended. 

It seems he talked about working with 'fallen women' in the area. Was that his only job? Carrying out abortions? And if he didn't like doing it, why didn't he move on? 

The good news is that his clinical practice was not criticised: in other words, he was a good technician. But you don't need to have a degree and a consultant's job to be a good technician.

The bad news is that he was an absolute arse when it came to dealing not just with patients but with staff: he was the only man in a team of 14 and he liked making sexist jokes. 

This has all got to be a good indicator of how a doctor feels about his patients. 

Maybe we should also worry that Kieron worked unscathed from 1985 till he was 'given advice' in 2010 and 2013 about his language and his behaviour towards patients and staff. But it took another four years before he was suspended. 

And I'll bet Kieron still doesn't get it. In his eyes, he did his best. He worked hard. But somehow when the classes in bedside manner, dealing with colleagues and looking after women patients were going on, he missed them.  

It's quite alarming that it's often women who are on the receiving end of this kind of poor treatment - staff and parients. No harm to the men in our lives, but they accept a lot of shite from medics. If you want things improved, you're going to have to rely on female patients and women staff. So let's not blame the women for causing hassle to these fine practitioners. Let's encourage them to blow the whistle on the nonsense that's been accepted for decades.


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