
I found this item online: https://theconversation.com/food-poverty-agony-of-hunger-the-norm-for-many-children-in-the-uk-116216?fbclid=IwAR1VclzXXoOp4WUMDo5sph1562i9V-K0OceYDqEM5A3ua7s3jW6cTSSad0w It's by an academic at the university of Kent (yes, it has poverty too) and it's worth a read. Some of us know what poverty is. I'm told my family was part of the 'urban poor' 60 years ago, except we didn't know it. We thought we were just like everybody else. We had crap houses but we had jobs and we certainly had enough to eat. Later, as a teacher, I worked in the area of Glasgow I used to live in. That was in the 1970s. Again, the parents of my pupils were part of the 'urban poor'. Jobs were scarcer but no one went hungry. We had the welfare state - never referred to then as 'welfare' or as 'benefits.' So what has happened? How have we reached the point where 4.1 million children are living in poverty in the UK, with kids stealing le...