Bye bye, Treeza...

...Treeza, bye bye.

I know one person who will miss Treeza and that's Janey Godley. Her imagined Youtube dialogues between Treeza and Nikla on the subject of the caravan, the big soup pot and all the Sandras have been a joy.

But I'm sure Janey will find much to entertain us, whoever replaces Treeza. So far, we've got 4 candidates: that absolute dick Boris Johnson, failed London mayor, failed foreign secretary. Then there's Esther McVey - well, I've seen her attempts to address 'the people' and all I can say is this:

In fact, you can have one of those for Jeremy Hunt too because it takes brass neck to do so much damage to the English NHS and still think you're able to be prime minister. As for Rory Stewart, I like the name. I like the James Bond-style back story: soldier, spy, diplomat. If only he had a bit of experience of politics - and didn't get caught out on radio making things up. No, Rory, we haven't forgotten your invented figure: '80% of people think...' Not even a BBC reporter could let that one pass.

There will be a whole raft of other hapless candidates in the next few days, I've no doubt. The more useless the better in my view. I want to see the Tories, especially the well-fed, semi-educated 'knights of the shires' and the entitled private school boys, line up to throw their hats in the ring. There's not a political brain among them, so the chaos in the UK government will go on for a while longer. Brexit will be further forgotten, as will the damage being done by austerity, the Home Office's hostile environment, the fall in the pound and job losses.

Am I sorry for Treeza? 

When I was working in local government education, we used to say there were two types of headteacher: the systems people (get the right system and make the people fit that system and all will be well) and the people people (be nice to people and you'll get the results you want). Both types are wrong: you need a mix of both to make a school run. 

But Treeza has invented a new type. She's not a psychopath. I've met them too in education. At least we've been spared that. So far. 

Treeza is just a terrible communicator. She doesn't understand why we don't understand her. Or why people disagree with her. Worse still, she thinks she has the human touch (o gawd, that dance on to the stage at the Tory conference). Yes, she's persistant - too persistant. She can't compromise or 'think outside the box.' It doesn't look like any of her 'advisers' have been able to get her to lighten the tone or crack a wee joke (She has that in common with Thatcher, the kind of person who laughed at jokes and then said 'I don't get it'). 

Listening to her speech today, it did occur to me we'd be better off with Larry the Downing Street cat:

He's a good-looking boy is Larry. He has a job and he does it well. If he resigns, we're all screwed. The rats will take over Downing Street. No wait...


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