Dignity, Treeza, Dignity
Missy the cat is a wee moocher.
She would sell her soul (assuming she has one) for a handful of Dreamies. I used to keep the treats on the coffee table, but she would knock the packet off, in the hope that it would burst open and she would get an unexpected treat - or ten. It worked a couple of times, so now I keep the packet in my bag.
But she's sussed that out and regularly goes over and paws at the packet till I give in and give her some treats. I'm telling you: if cats ever get opposable thumbs, mankind is screwed.
I haven't been watching the TV news for - oh, months now - but tonight I got a wee glimpse of Treeza May begging - that's the only word I can use - her party to vote through her brexit deal.
And I'll tell Treeza what I tell Missy the cat when she comes begging: Have a bit of dignity, for heavenssake!

She would sell her soul (assuming she has one) for a handful of Dreamies. I used to keep the treats on the coffee table, but she would knock the packet off, in the hope that it would burst open and she would get an unexpected treat - or ten. It worked a couple of times, so now I keep the packet in my bag.
But she's sussed that out and regularly goes over and paws at the packet till I give in and give her some treats. I'm telling you: if cats ever get opposable thumbs, mankind is screwed.
I haven't been watching the TV news for - oh, months now - but tonight I got a wee glimpse of Treeza May begging - that's the only word I can use - her party to vote through her brexit deal.
And I'll tell Treeza what I tell Missy the cat when she comes begging: Have a bit of dignity, for heavenssake!
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