I wrote this to someone earlier today but I want to repeat it:
This is the Westminster government's new 'Queen Elizabeth' hub in Edinburgh. It will be occupied by the Secretary of State, his staff and 3,000 civil servants.
This is, in effect, a new branch of the UK government being set up in Scotland.
Do you remember being asked if you wanted this new branch of government?
Do you think we need it?
Will it bring jobs (apart from the 3,000 civil servant jobs) to Scotland?
Will it add to the prestige or success of Scotland?
Do we know what it's for?
The QE hub is - yet again - something that has been done to us, for us, on our behalf but without our permission. It's not something that's been done with us.
Scots will have no say in how it's run or what it does. But we'll pay for it. That's a certainty.
This is in my opinion the perfect definition of colonialism.
But colonial days are over. The British Empire is no more. Sadly, Westminster hasn't accepted that we don't need them to help us run Scotland.
The London government is, if anything, a hindrance to good government. Look at how they have held Scotland back in dealing with our drug problems: for twenty years, they have rejected every attempt Scottish governments have made to handle these matters. We really do know better than them what needs to be done, but they hold the purse strings.
As for the QE hub, my worst fear is that this will be the place from which Scotland is governed after the Holyrood parliament is shut down.
And yes, there will be people in Scotland who will be happy to see that happen. Are there enough of us to prevent it?
This is the Westminster government's new 'Queen Elizabeth' hub in Edinburgh. It will be occupied by the Secretary of State, his staff and 3,000 civil servants.
This is, in effect, a new branch of the UK government being set up in Scotland.
Do you remember being asked if you wanted this new branch of government?
Do you think we need it?
Will it bring jobs (apart from the 3,000 civil servant jobs) to Scotland?
Will it add to the prestige or success of Scotland?
Do we know what it's for?
The QE hub is - yet again - something that has been done to us, for us, on our behalf but without our permission. It's not something that's been done with us.
Scots will have no say in how it's run or what it does. But we'll pay for it. That's a certainty.
This is in my opinion the perfect definition of colonialism.
But colonial days are over. The British Empire is no more. Sadly, Westminster hasn't accepted that we don't need them to help us run Scotland.
The London government is, if anything, a hindrance to good government. Look at how they have held Scotland back in dealing with our drug problems: for twenty years, they have rejected every attempt Scottish governments have made to handle these matters. We really do know better than them what needs to be done, but they hold the purse strings.
As for the QE hub, my worst fear is that this will be the place from which Scotland is governed after the Holyrood parliament is shut down.
And yes, there will be people in Scotland who will be happy to see that happen. Are there enough of us to prevent it?
From chaos and shambles in Westminster,we rarely watch this cringe worthy rubbish,the paper waving morons,the childish heckling,that is when they are attending The archaic procedure that waste time. Moving these self interested wastrels to waste more money on their biased cabinet meetings,and selective secrecy.We have had a better and more caring government,that progresses with the modern times, not controlled from another country interfering in the country of Scotland.We do not this colonial over lordship,this is only a treaty broken by London/Westminster.