It's all about the words...
I read an article about the menopause in the Sunday National today. Well, I was glad it was at least written by a woman. That's not always the case. I'm probably one of many women who have turned up to see a consultant about menopausal problems and discovered the 'expert' was a man.
The article is well written. The only part I took exception to was where the writer talked about the menopause being 'part of the ageing process.' And I wondered: is it only women who age?
When I was enduring the menopause - about 25 years ago - I went to a show in the Royal Concert Hall by Chris Rea. I don't know who I expected to come out singing 'Driving Home for Christmas' but it wasn't an old man in dungarees. Bare arms are not a good look for a man after a certain age. He looked - well - pale and flabby. On the road to hell, in my opinion.
But he was well received. A music star is always a star, even when he's ageing.
Trying to think of a female performer, I'm reduced to comparing Chris Rea to Dolly Parton. Dolly has never mentioned the menopause, as far as I can remember. In fact, Dolly doesn't seem to accept ageing at all. And maybe that's the way to go: never mind the ageing crap, just get on with living. But I know which icon I'm rooting for here...
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