Poor me*

*Follow on from my post about Boris Johnson the other day, except this time I really mean it.

I posted on Facebook on Saturday about the Irish Republican marches (2 of them) through Glasgow + 2 counter-demonstrations by Loyalist/Unionists. I then went to my bed and fell fast asleep.

I hadn't planned to sleep. I wanted to read but the last thing I remember thinking was: Have I read this book before? Or is this writer another one who's taking the piss? I call it formula writing and reckon every visit I make to the local library ends up with me bringing home at least one book that I've read before - or it just feels as if I've read it before. (I'm giving you two moans for the price of one here - so don't complain).

When I woke up an hour later, there were 24 'notifications' waiting for me on the subject of political marches and counter-demos, some friendly and one not at all friendly.

The Facebook page I'd posted on is a closed group for people who are in favour of independence.

In other words: We're all on the same side. 

Except when we're not.

More and more, I find people whining about the SNP - and this isn't even an SNP page. Nicola Sturgeon doesn't go to All Under One Banner marches. Nicola Sturgeon ought to declare UDI but won't. If Nicola would just listen to the keyboard warriors...Ian Blackford is useless in the House of Commons. He looks like your friendly neighbourhood undertaker. Not a bad image to cultivate, in my opinion, but he's not charismatic. Well, gawd help us: Boris Johnson is said to be charismatic and look where that's got us.

If it's not the SNP, it's the BBC they're moaning about. The BBC is unfair to independence supporters. Well, of course it is: its the British Broadcasting Company. What's up with you? Are you thick or something? Just don't pay for a licence.

The British press is unfair blah blah blah. What can I say? See above.

All politicians are useless, greedy, thieving bastards. Even the Greens are suspect. And as for Tommy Sheridan...!

The Green 'Unofficial' Facebook page is just as bad. There's no debate here either. Every so often there's a bit of rumbling, like a low grade fracking earthquake, and the page is taken over for a wee while by either what I call the Vegan Front or the ALF.

I'm never going to be veggie or vegan, although my consumption of meat and fish is down to 3 or 4 meals a week. And I like animals. I have a rescue cat and I support Cats Protection and I'm very fond of wee beasties like ferrets and stoats.

But maybe we should talk about more serious issues. Climate change? Nup. Or fracking? Nup again. Land use? Forget it. Although we have got ourselves bogged down in discussion about the anti-vaxxers in the past. (Hang them all, I say). Parents' rights have also got people going on here, although I'm still waiting for the day when someone stands up for children's rights.

So what, you ask, is my point? I think we're all suffering from what I can only call 'Good Guy Fatigue'. That's got nothing to do with elections or referendums. We've been trying so hard to be optimistic for so long that we're worn out.

Or at least I am. So I'm taking a break from these political Facebook pages, blogs, vlogs and news sites. I plan to post only jokes and pictures of cats, with the occasional laugh in Boris Johnson's direction. Well, he's such good value. And Janey Godley stays. Goes without saying.


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