What do we do if...
Yeah, I know: I need to get out more. But I've been thinking a lot today about Boris Johnson and his pronouncements on Scotland. And I have a question:
What will we do if the Tory government shuts down Holyrood and refuses to 'allow' Scotland a second referendum?
I'm guessing there will be more than SNP people - us so-called 'separatists' - outraged by such a move. But as far as I can see there's nothing to stop the Tories doing it. Johnson has gone so far as to tell his BBC pals about his plans for Scotland:
And they don't include any move towards independence.
It won't bother Johnson that we've already heard all the Tory guff before in Scotland - or that the political situation has shifted dramatically since 2014 - and we're a lot more sceptical than we were 5 years ago.
So what will we do if we're faced with being tied to the failing state called the UK after brexit - forever?
We have the example in Catalonia of what 'national' government can do when faced with a wish to secede by some of its population and land mass. Not only are Catalan leaders in jail - with no sign of trial and judgement - but now the Spanish government has been raiding Catalan homes and arresting people they claim are 'terrorists.'
The Brits don't usually go down the road of civil disruption, but we've seen in Glasgow that the police are ready for it: think back to the so-called 'sectarian' disturbances threatened over the last few weeks. When was the last time we saw 'riot police' fully tooled-up on our streets? And where did these confrontations come from? Suddenly? And so many of them? And am I mad to think this was all a warning to the rest of us?
Maybe we need to remind ourselves that the British State has never relinquished territory willingly. It sure won't give up a bit of 'its' land mass (as they see it) without a fight.
So what will we do?
What will we do if the Tory government shuts down Holyrood and refuses to 'allow' Scotland a second referendum?
I'm guessing there will be more than SNP people - us so-called 'separatists' - outraged by such a move. But as far as I can see there's nothing to stop the Tories doing it. Johnson has gone so far as to tell his BBC pals about his plans for Scotland:
And they don't include any move towards independence.
It won't bother Johnson that we've already heard all the Tory guff before in Scotland - or that the political situation has shifted dramatically since 2014 - and we're a lot more sceptical than we were 5 years ago.
So what will we do if we're faced with being tied to the failing state called the UK after brexit - forever?
We have the example in Catalonia of what 'national' government can do when faced with a wish to secede by some of its population and land mass. Not only are Catalan leaders in jail - with no sign of trial and judgement - but now the Spanish government has been raiding Catalan homes and arresting people they claim are 'terrorists.'
The Brits don't usually go down the road of civil disruption, but we've seen in Glasgow that the police are ready for it: think back to the so-called 'sectarian' disturbances threatened over the last few weeks. When was the last time we saw 'riot police' fully tooled-up on our streets? And where did these confrontations come from? Suddenly? And so many of them? And am I mad to think this was all a warning to the rest of us?
Maybe we need to remind ourselves that the British State has never relinquished territory willingly. It sure won't give up a bit of 'its' land mass (as they see it) without a fight.
So what will we do?
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