Liar, Liar!

I've lost track of the number of people who've told me politicians are all liars. Well, actually, that's a lie. It's 3. But is it true that all politicians are liars? I don't think so. Giving your own version of the truth doesn't necessarily involve lying. It just means if you're a politician you slant the truth to suit your own party. And that, I'm sure, is what politicians have always done. Usually, they've been quite good at it: a tweak here or there to the facts and you can steal an opponent's policies; a statistic that isn't so much a stat as a guess or a fudge; a promise that the politician - and the public - know will never have to be kept. The difference right now is that one political party in the UK has given up 'tweaking' the truth and their political leaders have gone for outright lying - and it's working. They learned this at the knee of Donald Trump who taught the world as soon as he got into office that a lot of...