The BBC again

They don't learn, do they?

I've got used to warning people about BBC Scotland News and their regular message telling us how awful Scotland is. Canny run a minoj. Riddled with problems in our hospitals, social work, the polis, the schools...and yet the stats confirm year after year we are right to put our trust in the people who manage these services. Of course, there are going to be people who are unhappy - there always are - but in most cases, despite the financial constraints (imposed by Westminster) we manage to stagger by.

This weekend is no different. Except...One thing we've always been able to rely on is Education Scotland. I've worked with Education Scotland in my time. I can't say it was a pleasant experience. The organisation is very bureaucratic and seems to move at the pace of a demented snail. But it gets stuff done and it upholds the standards of Scottish education very well.

And now we have an allegation from BBC Scotland:

Police probe alleged fraud at Scottish Qualifications Authority

This is pretty scary for teachers, students and parents, even if it turns out to be untrue. The Scottish exam system is the key to further and higher education. No one has ever called its work into question. It's the gold standard of exam boards. Anyone who has worked for the exam board will tell you what a pain in the arse their regulations are, but everyone follows them and at the end of the day no one is in any doubt as to the reliability and honesty of Scottish qualifications.

So what is this about? 

I won't spell out my own views. Just read the BBC comment and draw your own conclusion. 


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