We deserve better
The new Tory leader in Scotland, Jackson Carlaw, said, just one day after being elected by his merry band of voters:
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The thing about the voters of Scotland is that they are often better educated than some of the voters down south. They are also politically- and media-savvy. They know the power of social media. Well, they have to because generally they don't have access to mainstream media, not when maybe 33 out of 34 newspapers printed in Scotland belong to London-based billionaires, most of them self-serving Tories, leaving only the National to put forward the idea of independence in Scotland. Unionist trolls lay siege to the National every single day in social media, to such an extent that most of us independentistas just leave the trolls to talk to themselves.
THE newly elected leader of the Scottish Conservatives yesterday branded the SNP an "evangelical faith-based cult" in an anti-independence rant to the BBC.
This was not a smart move by Jackson. His comment might offend those who live a faith-based life and others who consider themselves evangelicals. However, it didn't upset too many SNP supporters, their main target, because I expect some of them have heard every insult there is from the Tories. But it did get the SNP twitterati sharpening up their sense of humour and sending out dozens of tweets, of which my current favourite is:
<<Thine adversaries shall call you a cult, and thou shalt respond
with raucous humour and piss-taking. For
which thine adversaries shall hate you more, but thou shalt be pissing yersels with laughter.>>
The thing about the voters of Scotland is that they are often better educated than some of the voters down south. They are also politically- and media-savvy. They know the power of social media. Well, they have to because generally they don't have access to mainstream media, not when maybe 33 out of 34 newspapers printed in Scotland belong to London-based billionaires, most of them self-serving Tories, leaving only the National to put forward the idea of independence in Scotland. Unionist trolls lay siege to the National every single day in social media, to such an extent that most of us independentistas just leave the trolls to talk to themselves.
The big problem with people like Jackson Carlaw, like many UK politicians, is that he may only want to address his own signed-up voters, but he forgets everybody else in Scotland with an interest in politics is judging every word that comes out of his mouth. And do I have to say that Jackson yesterday on his first day as Tory leader - and this has been the pattern among the Tories in Scotland for years now - has not got a political idea to bless himself with? He thinks it's all about stopping the SNP having a second independence referendum. He can't talk about anything else. His party has no policies, no ideas, no plans for Scotland's future.
Same with the candidates for the Labour leadership. They are a sad bunch, all in all. I'd like to shake the hands of the people who are briefing them about events in Scotland, just to thank them: every comment by these people shows such ignorance that they can only be worth more votes for independence.
Let's not go back over the candidate who wanted to use the Madrid government's response to Catalan demands for independence as the way to enforce calm on Scotland. She denied having said anything independentistas might take exception to, forgetting - as I said earlier - that we're out here and we're listening. And yes, we're going to jump on anything stupid you say. And so far, you haven't let us down. So go on trotting out Gordon Brown and the other Blairites to win us over. They haven't got an ounce of credibility between them. All the better for us.
Today one of the Labour candidates admitted the party needs Scottish Labour voters in order to take control of Westminster. Did that candidate realise that talking about the voters as if they are sheep to be pushed around is exactly how Labour lost so many voters over the last 10 years+? The Labour voters they used to be able to count on are just not there any more. And as far as I can see they're not coming back to Labour if the leaders they are offered fail to understand what's been happening in Scotland.
Mind you, they show no more awareness about what's been happening in Ireland. All those young people in the south and the north writing off the past and demanding a new political future for their country - their united country - and lending their support to Sinn Fein. A bit of an upset that for the UK Tories and Labour, who have always been able to depend for votes on the religious divisions in Northern Ireland. The more I see of UK politicians and their shenanigans in Ireland, the more respect I have for people like Mo Mowlem - whom they hated, of course.
Of course, SNP activists have a weapon Labour and the Tories in Scotland lack: Nicola Sturgeon. And man, the unionists hate her too. Even Boris Johnson, not a man known for his insight or breadth of understanding, caught on to the idea of calling her 'wee Jimmy Crankie'. But given how useless his Tory advisers in Scotland are, Boris was a few weeks late, since Janette Crankie, far from being offended, had already declared how much she admired Nicola Sturgeon.
Yes, it's a different world up here in Scotland. Labour and Tory politicians may have noticed this, though given how tone deaf they've been for years now, it's unlikely. In fact, I'd go so far as to say voters in Scotland deserve better than this shower.
Let's not go back over the candidate who wanted to use the Madrid government's response to Catalan demands for independence as the way to enforce calm on Scotland. She denied having said anything independentistas might take exception to, forgetting - as I said earlier - that we're out here and we're listening. And yes, we're going to jump on anything stupid you say. And so far, you haven't let us down. So go on trotting out Gordon Brown and the other Blairites to win us over. They haven't got an ounce of credibility between them. All the better for us.
Today one of the Labour candidates admitted the party needs Scottish Labour voters in order to take control of Westminster. Did that candidate realise that talking about the voters as if they are sheep to be pushed around is exactly how Labour lost so many voters over the last 10 years+? The Labour voters they used to be able to count on are just not there any more. And as far as I can see they're not coming back to Labour if the leaders they are offered fail to understand what's been happening in Scotland.
Mind you, they show no more awareness about what's been happening in Ireland. All those young people in the south and the north writing off the past and demanding a new political future for their country - their united country - and lending their support to Sinn Fein. A bit of an upset that for the UK Tories and Labour, who have always been able to depend for votes on the religious divisions in Northern Ireland. The more I see of UK politicians and their shenanigans in Ireland, the more respect I have for people like Mo Mowlem - whom they hated, of course.
Of course, SNP activists have a weapon Labour and the Tories in Scotland lack: Nicola Sturgeon. And man, the unionists hate her too. Even Boris Johnson, not a man known for his insight or breadth of understanding, caught on to the idea of calling her 'wee Jimmy Crankie'. But given how useless his Tory advisers in Scotland are, Boris was a few weeks late, since Janette Crankie, far from being offended, had already declared how much she admired Nicola Sturgeon.
Yes, it's a different world up here in Scotland. Labour and Tory politicians may have noticed this, though given how tone deaf they've been for years now, it's unlikely. In fact, I'd go so far as to say voters in Scotland deserve better than this shower.
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