Hello and maybe Goodbye

I've had a free blog site with WordPress for years. Just in the past few weeks, I can't make contact with other people on WordPress, and my attempts to contact WordPress all seem to involve me paying money. I'm not sure I want to bother doing that.

We're all surrounded these days by people who want to take money off us.

I've registered this blog address with WordPress - just in case I find some way to keep the blog
going: rantingoldbagsblog2749138905.wordpress.com

I'm not awfully well right now.  Certainly not well enough to take on a battle with a commercial site. So I may soon be communicating via Facebook's chocolate teapot pages.

When I was a teacher, I learned my nickname was Arnie because of the number of times I told kids: "You get on with that - I'll be back".  If you don't recognise the reference, are you sure you were really alive in the late 20th century? 


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