Reluctant Nationalists
My friend - I'll call him Hamish (because that's his name) - posted this yesterday and I see exactly where he's coming from: <<The BBC radio 4 weather forecast this morning was brief,...”rain will be confined to Scotland, some brighter periods in the South West”. South west of where exactly? This may seem like a trivial point but it’s not, it typifies an attitude of what Scot land is and this from a national broadcaster which should be geographically and politically neutral. I’ve been a reluctant nationalist more so because I don’t believe any one party has all the answers, but on the issue of separation I am now completely convinced it's the way to go on the most important point of all, ...principle. In principle we as a people should, could and can govern ourselves just fine. If shit happens we can deal with it and learn along the way. If the likes of Boris can do it, anyone can>>. I have great respect for how far along the road to independence the...