Britain and its Empire
I'm quoting from Alexander McCall Smith’s new novel, The Good Pilot, in which he writes about Germany and Britain after World War 2: “Everything changed. A great wave of prosperity washed over Germany as the pinched, hungry years of the fifties gave way to a decade of plenty. In Britain, crisis followed crisis, as the world folded in over a country that was exhausted to its very bones. The youthful vanquished rebuilt and prospered; the aged victors looked on in puzzlement as their lucrative empire crumbled.” Sadly, there are still those in Britain who continue to hate the Germans for what they have achieved - remember the sneering when Germany went out of the World Cup? - and can’t move on from the days of empire when England (which they often call Britain) was top dog. The first point partly explains why so many English people want to leave the EU: they should be top dogs and they can't get used to the idea of being in partnership with former enemies. I've ...