Speaking our language

https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/at-what-age-does-our-ability-to-learn-a-new-language-like-a-native-speaker-disappear/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=other&utm_campaign=opencourse.GdeNrll1EeSROyIACtiVvg.announcements~opencourse.GdeNrll1EeSROyIACtiVvg.vw-2LlUHEeiTfgp7g8qx2g# O dear, are we still having this discussion? I'm with Professor Newport: the way to learn more than one language as a native speaker is to start as early as possible. In Scotland, we start Gaelic learners at the Croileagan (Parent & Toddler Groups) w hen they are about a year old. Children go on to nursery at 3 or 4 and then to primary. All these experiences take place in Gaelic. It's only at about P4 that English is introduced into the Gaelic classroom. The need for immersion is very clear: children in Scotland are bombarded with English and Scots from family, friends and TV all the time. The classroom has to be dedicated to Gaelic to make progress. This reflects how endangere...